Believe in something bigger than yourself
There are few worse feelings for a creative visionary, a dreamer, or even a human with a pulse to see your dreams not play out the way you wanted…or even materialize at all. It’s a horrible feeling for anybody with hope and a dream to have it be deferred or destroyed (Proverbs 13:12).
We oftentimes use certain reasons for why we don't complete a project or why we don't pursue our passions. Usually those reasons are money or our lack of network in terms of who we know. But if we ask ourselves do we believe in creator? The creator who is omnipresent and control of all. If you know creator which is the most powerful divine source because it has conquered the world. How could you ever say I believe in God but say you don't know anyone who could make your dreams come true?
God isn’t here to fulfill all our dreams. Notice how I say our dreams. God has His own dreams, or plans if you will, that He’s fulfilling for you and through you.
Sometimes what you really want doesn’t mean it’s God’s plan for you. But sometimes something you really do want is God’s plan for you.